Requesting User Access
Financial transactions and related data are only available to USC employees who have been granted specific system access. To request access to any of the various modules of Kuali, or to the Cognos/Business Intelligence (BI) reports or the Planning and Projections (TM1) tool, you need to submit a KEW eDoc called the User Access Request Document.
You can find the link used to initiate and submit a User Access Request eDoc on the Workflow Main Menu page in the Kuali system. Please follow the instructions in the Kuali User Access Request guide to submit a User Access Request eDoc.
You may also want to visit the System Support and Training page on the University Comptroller website for helpful information on accessing Kuali.
User Roles for the USC Kuali Financial System
If you want to view a PDF document that lists the various user roles that can be requested for access to specific functions in the Kuali Financial System, click here.
By performing a Person Lookup from the Administration menu page in the Kuali system, you can look at a system user’s profile to view his or her current roles and access in the financial system. The steps presented on this page explain how to perform a Person Lookup in Kuali.
Account-Level and Org Code Security
The Kuali system at USC utilizes both Account-Level and Organization Code (Org) Security to restrict user access for Chart of Accounts lookups, General Ledger Inquiries, some document lookups, and BI/Cognos reports that present General Ledger data.
Account-Level Security in KFS utilizes 10-digit numbers and “masks” (strings of 4 or 6 digits ending with asterisks, which convey access to all accounts that start with those same digits). Org Code Security was introduced to simplify requesting and administering account access. In order to obtain account-level access, users need to specify individual account numbers in a User Access Request eDoc, and the list of accounts can be huge. Org Code Security provides access to all accounts under a given org code, except any that may be specifically denied.
Org Code Security utilizes 10-digit organization codes, as well as masks of 3, 5, or 7 digits that provide access to all org codes starting with those same digits. In other words, 10-digit Org Code level access provides access to all the accounts under one specific org code, such as 2030922100 or 2030931600. Increasingly wider levels of access can be provided through 7-, 5-, or 3-digit org code masks, as they will provide access to all 10-digit org codes that roll up under those masks (e.g., 2030922*, 20309* or 203*, respectively).
A good mix of account- and org code-level access will ensure that users get the account access that they need, and are denied access to accounts they don’t need.
Which Areas Utilize Org Code Security?
Areas that utilize Org Code Security in addition to Account-Level Security, if applicable:
- Account Lookups, Chart of Accounts
- BI/Cognos reports
- CAMS Inquiries – uses General Account Security, but has its own org code security definition
- Departmental Budget Change initiator
- eCert (Effort Certification) viewers
- General Ledger Balance Inquiries, including sufficient funds lookup
- Internal Billing Requisition initiator
- Lookups and Inquiries on various transactional documents based on account or org code access
- Organization Code Lookup, Chart of Accounts – requires Org Code Security
- PET initiators and viewers, to view transactions and add lines
Areas that already have their own Org Code or General Account Security, or both:
- Accounting Reviewer for Disbursement Vouchers (check requests) – by org only
- Budget Construction Roles and Access – BC roles by org only, fiscal officer by account only
- eMarket Approvers – by org or by account
- Fiscal officer – by account only per Chart of Accounts
- TARA/Kuali Coeus – Award Budget Viewer, Time and Money Viewer, Award Viewer – by org only
- P-Card Reallocator Reviewer and Approver – by org only
- SBO Reviewer for eStatement MRD – by org only
Areas with no General Account Security or Org Code security; unique security is derived from the role:
- eStatement Supervisor
- General Journal Vouchers
- SPA Journal Vouchers